Thursday, August 25, 2011

Preserving Memories using Digital Scrapbooking

Remember last week, when I discussed my love for creating photo books?  I promised a further discussion of my concurrent love for digital scrapbooking as well as a GIVEAWAY!  I have never before hosted a Giveaway, so this is a big day, my dear audience.

First things first - what is digital scrapbooking?  Well, it's all the wonderful things we love about scrapbooking  -papers, embellishments, cropping pictures into cute shapes and, most importantly, documenting those precious memories we take the time to photograph - without the mess of tape, glue, scissors or endless scraps of paper overflowing our limited table space - because digital scrapbooking, as you may guess, is all done right there on the computer.  So when you're done, you simply click "Save", close the program and walk away.  No clean-up!

And, if you're a frugal gal like me, you can find tons of free papers and embellishments across the world wide web.  Or if you're willing to part with a few precious dollars, most kits are relatively inexpensive - especially when you consider the ability to re-use items and papers to your heart's content.  If you do a search for "Digital Scrapbooking Freebies" you will find a wealth of fun things to get you started.  A great site to find some fabulous kits for free is Shabby Princess.  Readers of my daily blog Watch the Grass will recognize one of those kits - it's a favorite of mine.

The page above was made entirely digitally.  While it's a rather simple example, I still feel as though it looks like it could have been done on real paper and slid into a real scrapbook.

If this concept is new to you (or, even if you've heard it before, but have been held back for this reason), your first question may be the same I had when I first started - "Now that I know where to get all this great stuff to document my life, what do I do with it?"  When I first started, for lack of other options, I used Microsoft Powerpoint, created a layout and then saved it all as a picture.  It worked, but it was very limited, very frustrating and, as it turned out, created really big files - which led to more frustration!  I needed something more.

Many scrapbookers work with Photoshop, but I was not ready for such an investment, so a friend recommended Photoshop Elements - which was still more of an investment than I was ready or able to make.  Fortunately, for me, I received a free copy from a family member (for which I am extremely grateful).  But for those of you without family members doling out free copies of great software, what's a girl to do?

That's where the Giveaway comes in!  I have been blessed with the opportunity to introduce my readers to a great Digital Scrapbooking Software that is considerably less expensive (half the price sound good to you?) and, while not quite as easy to work with as Photoshop Elements in some ways, is actually much more versatile in other ways (which I'm pretty excited about).

However, now that I've got you all excited, you'll have to come back tomorrow for the big reveal!  Stay tuned!

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