Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Chore Monster - FREE Chore Motivation

We have used various Pinterest methods for keeping track and motivating our kids to keep up with their chores. I've even made a super cute chalkboard with adorable chore magnets. But keeping up with them has always been the hardest part. And then there's the question of "rewarding" them for doing chores. Should we? It feels like I've heard parenting experts on both sides of that argument and I've agreed with them all. Which just left me stuck in the middle.

This is why I was excited to try Chore Monster. It's a FREE* App available for Android, Apple, even Windows 8, but is also free to use through their website, if you don't have any of these devices. I like that it's easy to use and completely up to me what is included - what chores my kids do, the frequency with which they're expected to do them, and how many points they'll earn for completing a task. And then, I get to decide what those points will do for them.

This is what we've done:

Each of our kids have their own account with their own chores listed. They have many of the same (like setting the table, clearing the table, picking up toys and cleaning their rooms), but as they get older, they get more responsibilities, so the older two (ages 4 and 6) empty the kids' dishes and silverware from the dishwasher and also have bathroom cleaning duties (alternating weekly between who does the counters and who scrubs the toilets - they like the toilet best, so it's a good way to keep them from arguing) - with which Mommy helps, still, to train them how to do it well. And the oldest is also now washing her own clothes (again, with training assistance), so she gets extra points for that, as well. At the end of the day (or, frankly, when we remember, we check into the app to get points for the chores they've done. They have an option for the points to not be added into the kids' accounts until a parent approves the chore (which is done via the parent log-in on the website only), but since we're always sitting together when the kids are "doing points", I made all of their chores approve automatically, so they can immediately see their new total.

I've determined what each chore is worth, and I've actually edited this a number of times, as the chores become easier, or if I feel like they're accumulating too quickly. But I also determine the rewards. So, right now, our kids have three rewards options - iPad time, Computer time or something from the Treasure Box.

This is where this app has become gold for me. My kids used to always beg to play on the iPad or computer and would argue over who got more time, etc. Since we've started using points for these activities, I haven't had any begging or arguing! I LOVE it! They understand if they didn't use their points, it's not their turn. (Just like not letting them get points is a good consequence if they're refusing to do a task - if they fuss and complain, they still have to do it, but don't get points!) Also, I still get to determine when we cash in our points - so if it's not a good day for playing on electronics or we just don't have time, I tell them they can't spend their points right now.

The Treasure Box is a box we have filled with little toys from the Dollar Tree, as well as fun craft toys I found on clearance for $0.30 each at JoAnn - which means my kids work for two weeks to earn points for something that cost me $0.30. And they love it. Way cheaper than allowance (not that we won't get to allowance at some point, but right now I like that they're learning the concept of saving or spending - because the Treasure costs more, so they decide if they will save up for that, or spend points on a lesser activity - without interfering with my budget).

And the absolute best part? They're getting in the habit of doing chores. Which means, we don't necessarily sit down every day and check off their points - and they don't always notice. If they ask about it or I happen to remember, we'll check in and click on the things they've done. If we forget, they don't typically think about it. So, even though it may feel like I'm bribing my kids to do what they should be doing - they are still doing what they should, even without the points.

I call that a win.

*There are options within the app for the kids to earn tickets to an in-app carnival, to buy monsters, etc. It seems like a fun idea, but those aspects cost money, so right now, my kids don't even know that's an option. We're perfectly happy with the rewards we have in place and there isn't a ton of pressure (or anywhere for the kids to click when they're logged in) to buy in-app prizes. But if that's something you think would be fun to motivate your kids, you might want to look into that more!

** I receive no compensation for this review. They didn't even ask me to do it. I honestly just feel like it could help more families, so I wanted to tell others about it! Enjoy!

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