Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Keep the Change: Bringing Up Baby - Affordably

We’re expecting a new little one in this house and, as anyone will tell you, babies can be expensive. What are some ways to save on those baby costs while still giving your little one the best care possible?

-          Cloth diapers. While it’s not everyone’s preference, this is a big money-saver in our house. We’re not talking diaper pins and bulky covers, either. There are some modern options that are convenient and adorable. While this option poses a larger up-front cost (for the investment in a diaper supply), the long-run savings is considerable. There are many resources on-line to help you learn the ropes of this diapering choice. I've written a blog here with a lot of my resources and suggestions.

-          Homemade Baby Food. Yet another personal preference. This does not have to be as difficult as some perceive, though. Just steam your fruits and vegetables (even in the microwave) and use a handy Stick Blender (you don’t even need an expensive Baby-Food specific blender!) to puree. Pour your blend into ice cube trays and freeze for later – they thaw quickly and make for easy, safe meals for baby. Check for guidelines and recipes.

-          Garage Sales and Craiglist. These are great options for finding some of those big ticket items at affordable prices. Some things, like car seats, should never be purchased second-hand for safety reasons, but for things that are easy to wash/sterilize (such as clothing, swings, etc.), this can be a good choice – just be sure you trust the brand you’re buying, no matter where you purchase.

-          On-Line Co-Ops. Facebook has a number of Group options for parents looking to use group-buying power for those baby needs (or wants) – you can even find those aforementioned cloth diapers at a much cheaper price when buying in bulk! My favorite co-ops are Tushie Traders, which offers primarily cloth diapers but also many other fun things for baby, and Crunchy Mama, offering many unique finds for baby and mama.


  1. Always buy second hand clothes! And if you do disposable diaper, stock up at .10 a diaper or less. Wipes at .01 each or less. Breastfeed!! Saves so much money on formula and helps baby be more healthy, which saves on medical expenses. And when they get beyond pureed baby food/baby led wweaning don't buy those fancy baby entrees, teach them to eat what the family is eating.

  2. All good advice! Thanks, Holly!
