If you recently obtained the FREE $5 credit to Amazon's Video-on-Demand, here's a great use for it:
Currently you can rent various movies through their VOD service (which will be free with the $5 credit you got from linking with Twitter) and receive a $4 credit to purchase a DVD or Blu-Ray of the same movie. There are a couple current movies on sale for $9.99 making them only $5.99 after the $4 credit (the credit shows up after you've added the DVD to your cart and begin the checkout process). If you've signed up for Amazon Mom and still have your free Amazon Prime, these DVD's will also ship for free. My favorites:
- Toy Story 3 - Go here to rent and here to buy for $5.99!
- Inception - Go here to rent and here to buy for $5.99!
- The Tale of Despereaux - Go here to rent and here to buy for $4.49!
Go here to see all movies offering the $4 credit.